We finally made it; we're in Jakarta Indonesia. And boy is it hott! We all have swollen toes and fingers (not the most attractive) from this heat. Along with the 90 degree heat comes 80% humidity. We're all pretty sweaty, but loving it (thankful that our dorm rooms have AC in them!!)
We are currently blogging from the Human Bean Coffee Shop across from the University. We don't have internet connections in our dorm rooms yet, so our blogging might be limited till Thursday (Wednesday PNW time!!). However, here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure. We ate dinner with the University basketball team.

Team picture in Taipei Taiwan, right after our 13+ hour flight. Looking wide eye'd and bushy tailed!

The 5 hour flight to Indonesia had individual TVs! Such a simple concept yet provided hours of entertainment. I can't believe those things have new release movies: Shutter Island, Lead Year, When in Rome, Hurt Locker, Avatar, etc etc were among the favorites. And it had live video footage of our flight from below, so amazing!

Outside in Indonesia with our stunna shades on! Loving the sun!

In the bus, all of us covered in sweat (which is why the picture was small...we looked like greasy creatures!). But so excited that we finally made it!

"Nasi Kuning" which means Yellow Rice. An Indonesian tradition for specials occasions and special guest (that's us!). The tradition is to cut off the tip of the rice and give it to the special guest (aka Marty). Very good first Indonesian meal with the University women's basketball team!

Members of the basketball team!

Blogging in the coffee shop!
Sorry this post is semi uneventful! It's been a long day of flying and getting settled! More to come soon. We're off to bed, so tired! Wake up at 7am for breakfast.
This message is in process of being approved by Marty Z.
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