Today we held our first soccer camp! We went to a K-12 Academy in Jakarta that was voted best international school in the world (said by their principal). True or not true, this school was amazing! It was done by California architects. And nicer than any school we've seen in the states, no comparison.
Our camp consisted of elementary school boys and girls, middle school girls, and high school boys. We split up into three groups. The elementary ed majors :) Kaitlyn Mc, Erin, Katie, Miranda, Rachel Shannon, and Regan took the cute elementary kids and played sharks vs minoes, relays, worked on passing and shooting, and did a little scrimmage. One little boy, Mikel, dominated the kids, even scored on Katie!
The middle school girls were taken on by Amanda, Brit, Allison, Jessica, and Kaity Men. The girls in Indonesia don't really play soccer, actually at all. We're hoping to change this! So the girls in this group were a little apprehensive to the idea of playing. They worked on fundamentals like passing, shooting, receiving, and trapping. While some girls enjoyed it, others didn't seem to care. In fact, one girl was on her phone most of the camp!
The last group was the high school boys. Kacie, Melissa, and Emily took on the task of coaching them! They worked on passing, receiving, shooting, and doing moves. We also worked on our celebrations after we scored! Most of the boys were very good at soccer. Thomas, who struggled a bit with some fundamentals and clearly didn't play soccer, improved so much in the two hours we were there and "mastered" some of the moves! Very proud of him!
We ended the camp with a scrimmage: the high school boys plus Marty and Benny vs. the women and girls from the school. While I'm sure this isn't a surprise, the girls won 5-2. Highlight of the game: Marty scoring. We won't hear the end of that one!! After the game, we were all covered in sweat from head to toe while also repping some pretty cute tan lines and sun kissed cheeks!
Aren't they adorable?!
The camp was a huge success. We came in having no idea how many kids there would be, if they spoke English, what the facilities would be like, etc. It was a great first experience for us all. The kids were amazing, loving on us the whole time. The high school boys were so eager to play and learn and so cooperative. They even asked us if we were professional players. We loved it! We're excited to do more camps in the coming days!
After the camp, we went back to the University to eat lunch which was ready when we arrived (seriously, they're too good to us). Lunch was so amazing, one of our favorites. It included rice, fried chicken and veggies all in a orange and sweet and sour sauce. SO GOOD!
We've had free time since lunch which included getting internet started on some of the computers. However, the internet here is a bit sketch. We have it in the dorms, but it works half the time (apparently it will work best after 7pm?). We are currently blogging from the Times book store (see picture below for view!)
We experienced our first rain storm today. It was CRAZY! We're from Oregon, but we've never seen it rain that hard before! And the thunder was insane, loudest thunder we've heard! There were a few screams coming from our group when it happened. However, the rain has stopped and now there are just big puddles everywhere!
Next up for us is getting ready for our basketball game against the University team. We're all pretty burnt after our morning in the sun, so we've been "resting" this afternoon to prepare! Resting includes "using" the internet (it's a hassle), watching Friends, getting coffee, reading, and shopping! We're hoping for a W tonight. Check back later for the results!
This message is also in process of being approved by Martin Z.
PS- Mrs. McLaughlin, you're too kind :) Unfortunately, no journalism major for me. Business Management is my forte.
I must say this blogger idea is pretty brilliant. I wish we would have kept a blog while we were in Jamaica. That way, we could always go back and read it to remember all the fabulous things we did. Unfortunately, we are so old, I don't even think the internet was invented by the time we went to Jamaica; however, it sounds like you girls are having lots of fun. Keep it up! Just don't meet any Indonesian boyfriends, ldrs (long distance relationships) seldom work.
Lyndsey Brown