We started our day at 7am with a hearty breakfast of a big roll filled with cheese and then another chicken and cheese filled roll wrapped around egg and banana. Although some of us are still not feeling 100%, we all got our fill of carbohydrates to give us energy for a jam-packed day.
We then headed to chapel at UPH. It's pretty great that the school has their own chapel service Sunday mornings. It's on the 5th floor and thankfully they have escalators to get you there (it's either we're out of shape or the weather, but going up stairs is so tiring!). The service was great, different than what some of us are used to, which is a good thing!
After the service we all changed (I wish I had a picture of all of us dressed up, we clean up good, I promise). We loaded our cute little bus and headed on our day long adventure. First things first, doughnuts/bread roll things. Like I've told you in previous blog posts, the doughnuts are free flowing here and I love it! They we're our little bus snacks since our travel was about an hour and a half (see picture below for the roll filled with chocolate in all it's glory).
Our first stop was a mall for lunch. We found out that in Indonesia there are two different kinds of malls: a lower class mall and an upper class mall. The mall next to UPH where we're staying is an upper class mall. It's in English, very nice stores, people dress "nice" when they go there, etc etc. The mall we went to for lunch is considered lower class mall...and you could definitely tell the difference. We went to the food court which had different "mom and pop" type food places, as in authentic Indonesia food. Once we sat down, we were bombarded by all the people, passing us menus, asking us if we wanted "Gado-gado" or "satay" or "ice cream" or "fried rice" or etc etc. It was a bit overwhelming, but we all finally ordered what we think we "wanted." It was all in Indonesian so we weren't totally sure what we might be getting. Below our some pictures from our experience:
After we escaped the mall, we headed to Taman mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) which is like a village of different things to do, mainly being the Indonesia museum of history with different "miniature" house structures found throughout the Indonesian islands. They also have the largest map in the world, which is the Indonesian map, see pictures below, it's hard to explain. We started at the Indonesia museum of history:
After the museum tour, we then headed to the I-max theater (which is in the TMII village place, it's hard to explain, kind of like Disneyland for Indonesia). Along the way we saw Indonesian sights like this:
The movie we say at the I-max was about the African Serengeti. (if you're confused as to why we saw a film about the african serengeti while at an Indonesian museum, please join us in our confusion. However, the film was amazing, showed all the animals in Africa). From the i-max, we headed to the cable cars to see the whole TMII from above and get a better view of the largest map ever (says our tour guide!).
We spent about 4ish hours (not too sure, it was a long day) at TMII, so we were pretty exhausted by the end. We loaded the air conditioned bus and headed to get some dinner. You could say we may have been a bit grumpy at this point (I'm gonna be honest with you bloggers, we were some grumpy, hungry, smelly girls).
We ended at the Pondok Indah mall in an area of Jakarta. This mall was amazing, four stories, two separate sections, rich city mall! Our amazing Indonesian travelers with us took us to Kenny Rogers roasted chicken for dinner (they must have sensed we needed some comfort food!) It was delicious, we got our own plate of 1/4 chicken, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, fruit cup, and a chocolate muffin. MMMMMMMMM, so good!
After stuffing ourselves, we headed to COLDSTONE! It was a good ending to a long day! We had about an hour bus ride back to UPH in which we all passed out in our beds.
Also, before we left the mall after dinner, another huge storm hit. Tons and tons of rain and thunder and lightning. This lightning was seriously right above where we were, the lightning would flash at the same time as the thunder would crash! It was crazy!
Woke up at our normal time of 7am for breakfast: a box croissant, a chicken and cheese fried wrap, watermelon, and soup. We loaded the bus at 830am to head for the first soccer camp of the day at Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) Cikarang. It was a 2+ hour drive there. I'm not sure if it was the bus or the roads (I think it's a combination), but it's a bumpy ride in Jakarta! We arrived to find around 60 boys and girls ready to learn some soccer. We split up into different sections: passing, trapping, shooting, and dribbling. Kacie talked with the group about teamwork. We ended camp with a scrimmage, our group winning 2-1 (despite being outnumbered)! Camp was a success, ending with kids asking us for our facebook names! We also got those chocolate filled rolls again and Indonesian sport drinks.
Another 2+ hour trip back to UPH for some lunch: fried chicken nuggets and rice with a veggie/shrimp medley. We got about hour break to relax, go to mall, get coffee, etc. Before heading to SPH (in Lippo village, near where we're staying), the rain, thunder, and lightning started coming. Since there was lightning, we had to be confined to the gym, which was actually kinda of nice considering it has AC! We'll be with this group of 50 girls all week, so today we focused on passing. About 3/4 of these girls don't speak English which makes things interesting but a good learning experience for when we're teaching soccer! Katie also talked to the group about discipline. We ended the first day of camp with a 4 team scrimmage. We're excited for the rest of the week with these girls, teaching them more fundamentals of soccer and letting them know that the girls in Indonesia can play soccer too!
Miranda explaining the "drill": passing the ball to hit bowling pins!
Sorry for the delay in posting. Hope you enjoyed reading about our last two days!
This message was semi approved by Martin Z, only if I spelled his last name right. My B.
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